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Candlelicious是香港本地手工蠟燭品牌, 利用手工技巧做出擬真的蠟燭作品, 每一件蠟燭都是100%人手製造, 用料是天然的外國進口大豆蠟, 安全燃點! 希望透過手作文化將手工藝融入生活, 培養興趣, 好好感受燭光帶來的力量, 為生活紓緩壓力。
Candlelicous is a local brand of handmade candle. Crafted with exceptional care, every piece of candle is 100% handmade with imported soy wax of guaranteed safety. Candlelicious hopes to help relieve pressure and build interests by sharing the art of beauty of candles with the city.